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Together with our customers we not only define their initial strategical BIM project requirements but furthermore ensure the consequent operational compliance throughout the entire project lifecycle.

DEUBIM distinguishes between strategic and operational BIM Management. Together with customers we define the project requirements with regards to BIM and setup the project accordingly.

Apart from the initial definition of BIM objectives we develop concrete BIM application fields and BIM uses for the project. Every project is different. Nevertheless, it is our approach to develop a basic set of company BIM standards (e.g. EIR, BEP, IDM or Modelling Guidelines) that can be adjusted and reused in future projects enabling the realization of synergies. Primary objective of our strategic BIM Management services is to setup a project in accordance to the customer requirements considering the BIM-specifics. In this way we establish the base for an efficient and high-quality project realization.

Moreover, we set the appropriate course of operational BIM management by defining and providing rules of verification according to the customer requirements.


The operational BIM Management ensures that the requirements of customers initially defined within the strategic BIM Management, are consequently considered by all relevant stakeholders throughout the entire project lifecycle. The operational BIM Manager serves as central point of contact for all project stakeholder with regards to BIM, controls the customer BIM requirements through diverse techniques and is responsible for continuously updating the BIM execution plan (BEP).

Depending on the customers’ need DEUBIM takes over both the role of the strategic and operational BIM Manager, but if required also just one of them. The structure of our strategic as well as operational BIM management follows the scope of work for BIM Management by Dr. Robert Elixmann and Prof. Dr. Klaus Eschenbruch.

In principle all services of planning (coordination and clash detection) are realized by our partner POS4 Architekten Generalplaner as part of the overall BIM coordination.

